
Sunday - 12 Noon

Serving Jesus as He Grows Your Character with Keith Peterson (Heritage)

God is always up to something! And He’s always doing more than you know. Let’s explore how to faithfully and authentically serve Jesus as God grows your ministry, influence, career and character. It’s all about bearing fruit while He is working in and through you. 

Understanding the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with Brad Lewis (Kingsriter West)

This breakout will clarify the difference between the coming of the Holy Spirit to live inside us at salvation and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit where the Holy Spirit’s power is released through us. We will also study the differences between private and public use of speaking in tongues.

Prophecy: Hearing God's voice for others with Ryan Koster (Kingriter East)

God speaks to us through others by the gift of prophecy. This breakout is a biblical, communal, and personal introduction to prophetic listening and prayer. Our goal is to walk away more confident in discerning the still small voice of the Holy Spirit so we can strengthen, encourage, and comfort others (1 Corinthians 14:3)

What I Have - Alaska Marketplace Missions – Steven Pavek (Lake Carlos)

In Alaska, there are over 100 villages without a consistent gospel witness. These places, accessible only by plane or boat, are in desperate need of the hope of Jesus. Come learn how you could use your degree to help change the story in Alaska by getting a job in these communities and joining a team of marketplace missionaries. 

Effective Prayer with Kristin Peterson (Lehomme Dieu)

What an amazing truth, that we can be in relationship with the God of the Universe! Why is it that so many believers struggle to have a vibrant prayer life? Prayer is fellowship with the Father, the “bridge” that connects our hearts to His! In this session we will look to the word of God and learn to pray in God’s presence, pray with humility, pray in faith, pray God’s will, and pray in the Spirit.

Jesus and Suicide: Having an Honest Conversation with Ryan Kockelman (Darling)

Suicide is something that affects all of us either directly or indirectly, and yet we have immense difficulty even talking about it. However, if we want to engage with the story of the Bible, we need to be able to discuss suicide. Many of us have heard teachings about suicide from the Bible that may have been unhelpful at best, and flat out wrong at worst. How do we bring the message of hope to those around us who don't want to live anymore? Let's take a deep breath, be brave, and have an honest conversation about suicide.

*Breakouts are Subject to Change