Group Registration Info
If you are registering your campus as a group, here are some details below:
You can download the Group Reg Form below
The Waiver column on the reg form indicates they have read and agreed to the waiver form doc below. Make sure you have that posted for them to read somewhere.
Diet Modification Form is below. You can have students fill that out and get back to you. If you can send those to us in a group that would be helpful.
Registration money is due on the day of the event - that gives you lots of time to collect reg from students. However, we need your guarantee by Jan 3rd. This is the number we have to hold you too.
After the reg deadline of Jan 3rd, students can be swapped out on your end if you are using group registration. You can register students until the day of the event but the rooming with your group is not guaranteed.
Housing blocks will be sent after Jan 3rd and must be resubmitted by the 9th.
Group Registration Form. (Send here)